Build a Healthier You

What is an Alpha Human? An Alpha Human is someone who strives to be the leader of their life. They take action to improve what they can control. An Alpha Human isn't going to let weight and health issues control their life anymore. We take every day men and women from first responders, nurses, teachers, executives, to stay at home moms and dads and work with them to rebuild their bodies through nutrition. When your body is primed and feeling awesome everything in your life is elevated. Confidence soars, swagger returns, productivity improves, stress is reduced, and a new level of happiness is attained. Time to get it, you deserve all of this.

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31 MAY
Posted in: Articles
7 Tips that are so simple, but not easy for los...

7 Tips you can apply to your life right now that can have a big impact on losing weight

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26 JAN
Posted in: Articles
12 Month Alpha Body Project Video

Click on the video to learn about the adventure you are about to take. 

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15 SEP
Posted in: Recipes
Sweet Potato Poi

A quick and delicious twist on sweet potato mash

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28 AUG
Posted in: Recipes
French Toast Omelette

A grain free version of the classic French Toast

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From curbing sugar cravings to creating space for a more balanced life, hear what some of our clients have to say about their Alpha Human Project experience.