12 Month Life Changer Project Package $1199
4 payments of $349
Sign Up Here

6 Month Game Changer Project $599
3 Payments of $249
You are here because you probably fall into one or more of these scenarios
- You want to lose weight, build muscle, and shed body fat.
- You want to feel physically and mentally strong.
- You want to make healthier food choices, consistently.
- You want to stop worrying about your health.
- You want to start doing all the awesome things you previously wanted to but thought you couldn’t.
Above all, you want to become the fittest, strongest, healthiest versions of yourself.
Here is your chance to make that happen
Sign Up Here.

Alpha Human Project - $129 per month no commitment
You can't change your outcomes, until you change your behavior
This is the blue print for laying down the foundation for a lasting healthy lifestyle
Sign Up Here
Right now you are sitting in front of your computer screen or mobile device thinking I really want to do this. I know I need this. It's just too expensive. I get it. Money does not stretch as far as it used too. I am not asking you to pay me. I am asking you to invest in yourself. When you purchase something it is to fill a need or serve a purpose. When it is used up, it get's thrown in the trash never to be used again. A lot of the quick fix diets that are out there operate this way. They serve the purpose of giving you the quick fix to lose x amount of pounds, but when it is over you return right back to where you started or worse. Does this sound familiar? Now let's look at an investment. Per Wikipedia's definition of investment it is to allocate money (or sometimes another resource, such as time) in the expectation of some benefit in the future. This program is an investment in you. You will learn new things about yourself, nutrition, exercise, habits, and skills that you will be able to apply for the rest of your lifetime. Imagine losing the weight you wanted, gaining confidence, finding your inner strength and then keeping it off without some restrictive diet or starving yourself. So I have one question for you. Are you ready to be the leader of your life?
7 Tips you can apply to your life right now that can have a big impact on losing weight
Click on the video to learn about the adventure you are about to take.